+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru

OXYGEN Concentrator

In this time of pandemic we have donated Oxygen Cylinders, Flow Meters, Computers, Cots & Beds, etc.

Rotary club of Bangalore being a premier club in pursuit of community service , has predictably stood up to mitigate the sufferings of the Covid hit citizens  to the extent possible .The disaster has been of extreme proportions of trauma , ill health , and suffering that it is leaving in its wake .

The pandemic could well have been handled by keeping distance and wearing a mask and washing regularly , but the India situations on the ground level are quite different . More than 60 % of the working class needs to be on the ground level and can not work from home . They need to  be outside to work and earn a daily or a weekly wage to support their parents , wife and children . Some indiscretion and lack of protocol may have  surely happened and we are in the thick of a well blown crisis and god help us to overcome this villain .

It is the duty of every individual and group to jump in and help out in this day of crises irrespective of any other considerations .

Our club has  been distributed rations , PPE kits , masks and also oxygen cylinders . We have partnered with a few like minded organisations and participated majorly in our district initiative to set up a 100 bed Covid hospital . This venture did exceedingly well and thousands were treated successfully but alas it was disbanded post the 1 st wave which we are looking to re boot .  RCB now proposes to aggressively involve itself in providing relief to the Covid stricken especially the economically challenged communities . We are  most fortunate that Indian groups in Australia are adopting our initiative in a big way and “Dosa Hut” chain of Restaurants is driving a huge effort to provide funds for this purpose which may be used in Bangalore and any other place also as the situation demands . Dosa hut has an impeccable record in philanthropy and concern for the disaster affected anywhere in the world … yet India has a special place of emotion for them , and they are not sparing any effort to optimise public sympathy and contribution .

We are aiming at mobilising and providing to the primary health centres the following 

1. Quality reusable  Masks 10000

2. Quality reusable PPE gowns 10000

3. Thermometers 5000

4 . Pulse Oximeters 3000

5. 15 day Rations-to 5000

6. Medical kit for 14 days 5000

7. Oxygen concentrators 50 no’s

8. Digital stethoscopes 50 no’s