Mamma Mia
Mamma Mia!
A project started by PP Rtn Zarir Bhata has taken momentum this Rotary year and this will be conducted by the International Service Committee under the Directorship of Rtn. Nalini Nanjundayya. The Inner Wheel Clubs of the Dist 319 have also expressed an interest in partnering for this cause.

Project Mamma Mia provides a welcome kit for needy, expectant mothers. These are the wives of construction workers, auto-rickshaw drivers, drivers and other women from low-income families.
Mothers who visit the BBMP hospital for a check-up are met by a team of Rotarians, who enquire about their welfare and present them with a kit for their unborn baby. Talks on health care for the infants and mothers are also given.
The kit comprises 1 baby blanket, 6 diapers, 6 vests, 2 plastic sheets, 1 baby bath towel, 1 nightie for the mother, 1 blanket for the mother, vitamin supplements for 3 months for the mother.
The women who received the kit were overwhelmed and emotional as they felt that no one in the past has shown so much concern for expectant mothers and their babies. This project is gaining momentum since it is funded by members of the Rotary Club of Bangalore, and Rotarians in UK. Anyone who wishes to join us in this program may contribute Rs 1,500/- towards a kit.
Nalini Nanjundayya
Director International Service
Rotary Club of Bangalore