+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru

Peace Day

Contest for International Day of Peace

  1. What is it?
    The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37, the General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”
  2. What is Rotary Club of Bangalore (RCB) doing?
    We are encouraging school students to share their ideas, thoughts and feelings on the TOPIC: “What does World Peace mean, to me”
  3. What do contestants have to do?
    a) Contestants can make a short (60-120 second) audio or video clip, on the above topic featuring either themselves speaking, a small skit, a flash mob, a poetry recitation or a story narration.
    b) Minimum duration is 60 seconds. Maximum duration is 120 seconds.
    c) Content can be in Kannada, English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati or Bengali.
    d) Can be individual or group
  4. How will this content reach RCB?
    a) Contestants will need to get their audio or video uploaded on any Social Media platform (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) with the following hashtags #WorldPeaceDay #RCBPeaceDay.
    b) They must also “tag” RCB in their posts; RCB’s Social Media handles are mentioned below.
    c) Contestants will need to mention the name of the School and the class in which they are studying.
  5. Who can participate?
    Open to all School students (Rural & Urban) from Class 7 to Class 12.
  6. Are there any Prizes?
    a) Yes. The total cash prize kitty is Rs. 25,000.
    b) Winners will get cash prizes, or book vouchers of various amounts.
    c) Winning entries will be chosen based on their originality and presentation.
    d) A panel of judges nominated by RCB will select the top entries
  7. When can Contestants start uploading?
    Contestants can start uploading from 10am (India time) on 21st Sep (Peace Day) up to 5 pm (India time) on 2nd Oct.
  8. What are RCB’s Social handles?
    Here are RCB’s handles that students will need to “tag” when they upload their posts?
    a) Facebook
    b) Instagram
    c) Twitter
  9. Any other rules we need to know about?
    a) The decision of RCB in all aspects, will be final.
    b) By participating in this contest, Contestants agree that they are uploading only original content made by them and that this content is not in violation of any copyright of any other entity. Any copyright claim on any content will make the student liable for disqualification and other legal action.
    c) Contestants hereby give RCB a perpetual and irrevocable right to use the content in any manner it deems fit, without any consideration, remuneration or separate agreement.
    d) Contestants agree to indemnify RCB from any civil or criminal liability on account of any violation of any kind, including, but not limited to copyright violation.

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