Toccata plays for Rotary
Toccata Plays for Rotary.
Toccata Musical Kreations, a musical group from the UK, performed for an enthralled audience of children, Rotarians and friends, at the Chowdiah Memorial hall on 16th August.
Organised by the Rotary Club of Bangalore, this is a fund-raiser for the Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya, a school for underprivileged children .During the evening programme the President gave a presentation on Rotary Bangalore Vidhyalaya to the august audience which helped generate interest ,for support to the school from the public .All the money earned and donated, will be utilised towards the improvement of infrastructure and educational facilities for Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya. With these improvements we hope to convert RBV into an English Medium School.

The Toccata group comprised professional musicians who have toured the world taking their music to people of every nationality. Aptly called ‘Gimme Some Lovin’ their music is all about love, peace and universal brotherhood.
While the fortunate among us are able to attend such programmes, children of orphanages and schools for poor children do not have such an opportunity. A special matinee show was held by Rotary Club of Bangalore for orphans and children of less privileged background which was provided for them free of cost. 450 children were present and eagerly clapped their hands and danced on their seats to the Toccata musical program. Rotarians looking on were teary eyed at seeing such happiness in these children. It was certainly the best thing Rotary Club of Bangalore could have done.

Playing to a full house once again in the evening these musicians immersed us in another world of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Queen, and others. The quality of music, sound and singing was something to experience. Sunil Paulraj and others who were part of the singers displayed a quality of singing which can only be described as God’s Gift to humanity. People tapped their feet, clapped their hands and sang along with the singers.

A special thanks to M/s EGL, Rtn Shyam Ramadhyani, Rtn Vijay Tadamilla for their generous donations towards this cause.Thanks also to those who bought tickets thereby assisting in the project. Rotarians present to help at the venue in the morning were Secretary Rtn Vineetha Chinappa, Rtn Raksha Zaveri, Rtn Jayanth Rudra and International Services Director, Rtn Nalini Nanjundayya who ensured that children were taken to their seats and were comfortable. A special thanks to them.Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Seshadripuram, deserve a round of applause for being there throughout the day, helping the young children, giving out donor passes and ushering people to their seats.

Over all, a fantastic show, and kudos to the leadership of RCB and International Service Team for the efficient and superb execution of this program.
Rtn. Nalini Nanjundayya
Director- International Service
Rotary Club of Bangalore’