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Towards a New Era

PDG Rtn. Ravi Vadlamani’s inspiring address at the first committee meeting of Youth Services, highlighted the road map to be followed in the journey towards a New Era of Rotary.
PDG Rtn. Ravi Vadlamani stressed on the fact that today, dual membership of both Rotary and Rotaract is possible, this gives us the opportunity to experience the best of both the worlds. When the dynamism and energy of the Rotaractors, meets the wisdom, experience and connects of Rotary, the stage is set for some brilliant work to be done!
Towards a New Era Rotaractors can apply for global grants too, which will really empower them, ushering in a New Era of leadership opportunities through service projects.
Rotaractors can well prove to be the brains of Rotary in three avenues – Membership, Projects and Fundraising, thereby giving us a new direction. Rotaractors can invite non Rotarian youngsters to the Rotary fold as members. They have strong social media skills and can pitch Rotary’s Public Image well.
For projects, Rotaractors can come up with creative and innovative solutions to complex problems, which will greatly help to lead the change. Innovation is now the key for fundraising, in which Rotaractors can contribute immensely. Global Citizens Foundation recently raised $129 million, at a Musical Nite with Lady Gaga, for Covid relief!
In closing, PDG Vadlamani said that a project should always be started with an idea, rather than with money, resources will always follow!

Rtn. Pragya Jain, Chair – Youth Services Committee

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